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Enter your first name
Enter your last name
Please provide your email address so that we can send you availability details and a link to make your reservation payment.
Please provide a phone number where we can text or call you with questions about your reservation or if you prefer email only then we will email you at the address above
Do you receive text messages at this number?
Please let us know how best to contact you by selecting options above
Stayed with Lovin It Rentals Previously
Please let us know if you are a previous guest
Enter the Date you want to arrive at the Bungalow (use the format of dd/mm/yyyy like 12/31/2023)
Enter the number of nights for your stay
Multiple Choice
Tell us which Bungalow’s you would like to reserve
If we have provided you with a coupon code, please enter the code here.
Please let us know how you were referred to our website, if by another guest, please enter their name and if we find their contact email we will send them a discount for their next stay with us. Thanks!
Please provide any special requests or a note to the host about your stay.